Tag Archives: Major Sergios Balleseros

The Helixr Horde & Renew Helix Campaign


Legends tell of hordes – driven, relentless in their purpose, unconquerable forces of sheer might and will – that would stop at nothing to further their purpose and reach. They were bound not so much by blood or creed, but by a goal, a singular desire to move mountains and change worlds, to ensure that which they held dear was advanced and imparted for generations to come.

I assure you the Helixr Horde is of the same ilk.

We at Spektral Helix not only further the Horde’s mission, but are members of said Horde in active oversight capacity.

Our mission is simple: to ensure that SyFy knows that Helix is not a one-season wonder, that it deserves – and the fans in fact demand – a second season and beyond. There is so much good going on with this series – from the actors to the writing staff to the creators, SFX crew, cinematography, on an on – that leaving it at one season would be a detriment to SyFy and TV entertainment in general.

How can one join the Horde, you ask?

That, is also simple.

  •  Go to Renew Helix fansite, see the mission statement and follow the suggestions therein.
  • Sign the petition linked on said fansite, let your voice be heard!
  • Tweet your allegiance to the Horde and to Helix using the hashtag #renewHelix as well as follow the Helix Horde Twitter account. 
  • Follow the Helix Horde tumblr and reblog posts with the tag #renewHelix.
  • Like the Facebook page and post reasons for your fealty.
  • Use the graphics in the gallery below to promote our agenda, also tag SyFy’s account and the Helix account on Twitter when doing so.
  • Tell at least five people to watch the show and then get them to Tweet and email and blog, whatever their proficiency and patience can endure.
These seem like simple tasks, but they will involve time and dedication, which some of you might not able to give much of at this time. Just remember, every action, every little bit helps, and….
Welcome to the Horde!

Episode 9 – More Questions Than Answers

photo via SyFy
photo via SyFy

Just when we thought we’d get more pieces to this puzzle called Helix, we seem to, yet again, come away with even more questions.

The first scene that blew my mind was when Peter was evidently raised to godhood by the Vectors, and seems to KNOW what he is and takes gratification in their worship. All vestige of Peter as full human seems to have vanished as we see this great, hulking monarch take charge of his subjects, roaring his supremacy like a lion on the Serengeti. Yet he is no mindless brute, there is intelligence in those red eyes, a dangerous, deep intelligence that tells us he is not one to be bargained with lightly, that he will take what he deems as his through any means necessary.

That brings me to the look I noticed him give Julia as she escorted Alan up the stairs – where the other Vectors were indeed fearful of her, there was not one shred of fear in Peter’s eyes, quite the contrary. In fact, his look said one thing clearly: “She’s mine.”

This opens the first set of questions which I will address forthwith:

  • Is Julia rightfully Peter’s mate in this new hierarchy of Vectors/Silver-eyes?
  • Will there be a battle royal between Hatake and Peter – clearly the “inferior” of the species in Hatake’s eyes – for leadership of the base?
  • Will Peter ever be, well, Peter again or will he be content in this new role as Lord Vector and take his seat among his subjects?
  • Will the other Vectors become as Peter, less intent on the kill and more intent on establishing a society of sorts?
  • Will Julia accept him as he is, or will she – in her newly-transformed state – be repulsed?
  • Is her memory of him as he was strong enough for her not to kill him should a situation arise?

Another point that came to mind as quite odd was Hatake’s exchange with Julia when he was telling her about the stolen children from the village. He said that most went to good homes, so why take them then send them away?

Unless he did this to PROTECT said children from Illaria.

This is just a wild theory here, but it goes back to my hypothesis that these children had the strain, the part of the gene that made them susceptible to being able to either:

  1. Be resistant to the virus he created
  2. Be able to transform into Silver-eyes like Julia

Either way, we know Hatake isn’t into genocide, so it begs to consider these possibilities. Yet why keep Miska so close to home, so close that he would eventually discover his true identity? Why take Miska specifically under his wing, why distinguish him out from all the other children?

Unless there’s another possibility altogether.

That these children possessed the ability, the power to overthrow Ilaria through abilities yet untapped? Going out on an X Men limb here, but I still contend Miksa is more than just a stolen child, that he somehow is part of the plan to gather forces and foil Ilaria’s plans for genocide.

Another point that freaked me out was how like the monkeys the Vectors were when they were frozen, paralyzed, near unmoving. This means Balleseros was NOT hallucinating when he torched the monkeys and they began to scream – they were indeed still ALIVE!

And what about this mysterious Dr. Adrian? What is he doing taking the NARVEC samples and where is he going with them?

Who is Ilaria sending this time? Who will be the next Big Boss to tackle?

All I’m sure of at this point is that Peter, as Lord Vector, has become a major – and quite dangerous – player in this game Hatake has been content to conduct. Will he be the raging berserker that goes in and stomps across Hatake’s board at will, wreaking havoc against the injustice that’s been done to he and his subjects, or will he join in the fight against a common enemy, Ilaria?

Episode 7 – Progeny and the Hive Theory



Hatake truly broke my heart last night – him struggling to hold back his grief as he bandaged Julia’s eyes is one of the most visceral scenes I have ever witnessed on screen. I do not believe he even shed a tear, but the sheer anguish as his face reddened and twisted in the effort not to cry out in pain was just heartrending.

The reasoning behind such an emotion will be examined today – why was he consumed with such sorrow at over Julia’s transformation? Should it not have instead been pride? Joy, even?

I think it might have been were it not for Constance’s arrival.

If we observe Constance and her interactions with males, it is clear that she is used to being the dominant, the Alpha, if you will. Even Hatake – who, as we have seen, is an Alpha in every sense of the word – is cowed by her, even he looks away as a submissive would in a pack hierarchy. Only Daniel seems unimpressed, which plainly takes her aback and quite vexes her (as to why he alone seems immune to her “charms,” that is yet another theory I’ll save for tomorrow).

If we go with the theory that Constance and her kind are another race entirely – we shall call them Ningen for convenience’s sake – it seems evident that females are the dominant gender, with the males as little more than drones and breeders.

Yet if females are the dominant gender, then why would Hatake be so insistent that Constance will kill Julia? We only have to look to the honey bee to answer that question:

When a young virgin queen emerges from a queen cell, she will generally seek out virgin queen rivals and attempt to kill them. Virgin queens will quickly find and kill (by stinging) any other emerged virgin queen (or be dispatched themselves), as well as any unemerged queens. Queen cells that are opened on the side indicate that a virgin queen was likely killed by a rival virgin queen. When a colony remains in swarm mode after the prime swarm has left, the workers may prevent virgins from fighting and one or several virgins may go with after-swarms. Other virgins may stay behind with the remnant of the hive. As many as 21 virgin queens have been counted in a single large swarm. When the after-swarm settles into a new home, the virgins will then resume normal behavior and fight to the death until only one remains.



Since Julia is evidently now an Alpha Vector, it would be reason for Hatake to be concerned about Constance finding out and doing away with the competition. It could also be as simple as an example of the taboo in some vampire lore which states a vampire is not allowed to create progeny without strict approval from a council or an elder.

Yet this raises another question – if Hatake is loyal (or more correctly, submissive) to Constance, then why care about what happens to Julia at all? We must remember his expression when she mentioned “thinning the herd.” This must refer to thinning out the human population in order for the Ningen to gain (or retain) dominance over humans. It could be that Hatake isn’t a bad guy after all, that his work on the cure was kept under wraps because with the cure, Constance and her “council,” Ilaria, would have complete control over who gets to live, who gets to be an Alpha, and who gets to be a drone. She did mention to Balleseros that Hatake might have “gone off the rails,” that she suspected his sabotage of her plans, so, again, another question….

Why didn’t Balleseros tell Constance what he knew? Why didn’t he tell her what he’d found about Dr. Hvit and the heads? Is he truly a double agent working with Hatake to bring down the Hive Queen and gain freedom for humans and Vectors alike?

Is this why Doreen had to die?

One of the most confusing scenes in this saga has been the sight of Balleseros crying – Balleseros, the arrogant, take no prisoners asshole who shot a man off his snowmobile without even a thought – weeping and saying “I’m sorry” as he stuck Doreen with the needle and covered her in infected rats, leaving her to such a horrible death. One must wonder if her enthusiasm for revealing her discovery to Alan might have put Hatake’s mission in jeopardy, that by telling Alan this was a constructed virus would throw the focus off the cure and onto the who’s and what’s and why’s of the virus’ construction, thereby losing the race against finding a cure before Ilaria and Constance could get their hands on it. He just didn’t count on Alan’s persistence in his autopsy and Daniel’s tenacity to set things right when it came to exacting justice.

I argue that Hatake and Balleseros are mounting a resistance against Ilaria, that they know what the endgame is and do not like it one bit – Hatake, because he is not one to be dominated for long, Balleseros, well, he has his own reasons of which I’m not too sure at this point.

One thing I am sure of is my theory that Julia is to be the next Hive Queen, one to stand against Constance and bring her down once and for all.

Thus ends my treatise, please comment and discuss either below or, please, DO use the email in the Contact Us tab.

– Lilith


Mark Ghanime



Known for roles in One Night In Seattle and Soldiers Of the Apocalypse, Mark Ghanime portrays Major Sergio Bellaseros.

Mark’s presence is felt the minute he sets foot on our screens, yet another pair of eyes that speak volumes to the depth with which he plays this character, which could’ve been just another pretty-boy role, but through Mark’s rendering offers much, much more. We are drawn to like, then loathe this character based on the intensity of the emotion with which he’s portrayed.



Major Sergio Balleseros



Major Balleseros is nothing short of snake-pit charm spliced with arrogance and bat-shit crazy. Even with his “I’m on your side” smile and gleaming eyes, we somehow know if there’s agendas to spare, he’ll take the lot.

Although we want to like him in the hopes he’ll help bring order the the goo-stained chaos, we end up despising him as the saga unfolds.

Yes, ladies, he IS pretty – pretty shady, that is.